编者按:Sylvia Bellucci , Hupital Robert Debré, Paris, France,致力于血小板减少症分子基础的研究。在EHA现场《肿瘤瞭望》记者就血小板减少症研究领域的进展对Sylvia Bellucci教授进行专访。
Oncology Frontier : Congratulations Professor Bellucci on the wonderful speech you just made.
Professor Bellucci : Thank you, thank you.
Oncology Frontier : Could you please summarize your points so that we can share it with our Chinese readers?
Professor Bellucci : Yes this session was dedicated to inherited thrombocytopenias and also acquired thrombocytopenias. For acquired thrombocytopenias and particularly immune thrombocytopenias we have now a new molecule, which is active in increasing the platelet count and decreasing the hemorrhages. For inherited thrombocytopenias we have some very new information concerning genetic abnormalities in a special and very rare inherited thrombocytopenia, which is called Grey platelet syndrome. This session was very interesting.